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The broad mission of education encompasses ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT as well as the WELL-BEING of individuals. The EFT project addresses all of them building skills for the 21st century. As Europe is facing unprecedented challenges such as: massive immigration, sustainable development, rising inequality as well as the need for rapid integration of ICT in education, a number of key competences for the future have emerged. They include the knowledge of economy and society, but also the ability to communicate in foreign languages, entrepreneurial skills, learning to learn as well as the ability to fully exploit the potential of ICT.

The main AIM of the project is to increase awareness of how Europeans can MAKE A DIFFERENCE in order to combat discrimination and poverty, as well as to make participants understand the issue of equity with a particular focus on Fair Trade practices contributing to it. Therefore the issue of how Fair Trade can contribute to a more equitable distribution of income, job creation, better environmental protection as well as preserving national heritage in European countries will be investigated. The participants are also going to discuss the continent's future and DEVELOP STRATEGIES to deal with the potential risks facing it.

The project aims to ensure that the students acquire and develop skills such as: the ability to think critically, take initiative, solve problems and cooperate. This is going to prepare them for the contemporary unpredictable career-paths and make them more responsible for Europe. Students will be actively involved in research into the issues of strengthening the idea of both European as well as world citizenship and encouraged to exert an IMPACT ON THEIR COMMUNITIES, leading in the future to a fairer distribution of wealth. By developing LINGUISTIC and INTERCULTURAL competences they will strengthen their future employability and acquire new professional competences, while enhancing their development as active citizens.

Changing demands of contemporary European market require a new set of competences from teachers. It is undeniable that only high-quality and WELL TRAINED TEACHERS can help learners develop the skills they need in a global labour market. Continuing professional development of teachers is therefore of vital importance. In the EFT project a CROSS -CURRICULAR approach will be applied, encompassing economics, business, philosophy and sustainable development, which will require cooperation of teachers from DIFFERENT CULTURAL BACKGROUNDS, teaching different subjects and using different methodologies. The teachers will EXCHANGE GOOD PRACTICES by designing tasks as well as observing lessons in other countries in order to develop their CLIL methodology, language and digital skills as well as multicultural competence.

Particular attention will be given to increasing the ability to SPEAK FOREIGN LANGUAGES accompanied by developing the communicative competence as well as to the DEVELOPMENT OF ICT skills. Students and teachers will use digital skills to communicate, and to carry out research. They will also learn how to effectively present results.

EFT, Europeans for Fair Trade, is a project encompassing 3 European secondary schools from Poland, Spain and Sweden, which is intended to run for 2 years. 

This project is funded by the European Union

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